The capital of Croatia, often forgotten destination by the tourists who are more likely to visit the famous Adriatic Coast is a real gem of history and culture. Called by many a city of museums, in recent years Zagreb has made a lot of strides to establish itself to become as one of the most popular Central European cities to visit! Zagreb is a perfect example of a modern European city which kept its authenticity in architecture and culture. The city is divided in three main sections: Novi Zagreb ( New Zagreb) which followed the expansion and increase of the population opening many residential buildings, Gornji Grad ( Upper Town ) the historic part of the city containing many of the iconic buildings which tell a story with picturesque architecture presented also by many museums and art galleries , Donji Grad ( Lower Town ) scattered by shops , restaurants and parks represents a perfect retreat for leisure time for both locals and tourists alike.
The beauty of our capital city is that Zagreb is perfect place to visit at any time of the year. In the winter during the famous Advent Festival across the vibrant streets of Zagreb that lead to the heart of the city on the Ban Jelacic Square, you can enjoy perfect Christmas Holidays. In the autumn you can stroll around tree lined Strossmayer Promenade and visit medieval Stone Gates. During the summer you can enjoy beautiful walks across the famous Jarun and take part in many festivals across the city. Spring would be the perfect time for shopping and visiting unique places like Sunday flea market at Britanski trg and Dolac Market while exploring the stunning Maksimir Park.
Don’t miss out on this unique experience and visit Zagreb with us!
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